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Code Library Report

This option will list the points and strings which do not conform to the String Coding file.
The following checks are done:

Layers Checks
All job layers are checked that they are in the code library. This stops users creating ‘illegal’ layer names.

For each job layer the layer symbol is checked against that specified in the code library.

Points - Layer Check
All job points with a code are checked that the code is defined in the library in the <pointCodes> section. This stops use of ‘illegal’ codes.

All job points with a code are checked that the layer they are on is the same as that specified in the code library in the <pointCodes> section. This stops use of ‘illegal’ codes. This stops users placing points onto incorrect layers.

All job points with a code are checked that the ‘contourable’ flag matches that in the code library in the <pointCodes> section. This stops use of ‘illegal’ codes.

Strings - Layer Check
All strings in the job are checked that their layer is specified in the code library in the <stringCodes> section.

All strings in the job are checked that their ‘discon’ status is the same as specified in the code library in the <stringCodes> section.

All strings in the job are checked that the string type is the same as specified in the code library in the <stringCodes> section.

All strings in the job are checked that the points in the strings are on the same layer as the string as specified in the code library in the <stringCodes> section.

Unstrung Points Check
All unstrung (points not in a string) job points with a code are checked that the code is defined in the library in the <pointCodes> section. This stops use of <stringCodes> codes by points.

Strings Check
All strings in the job are checked that they have at least two points in the string.